Meet Lady Lentils #WorldTravelingCrush
In a busy world where people get carried away by the need to work on something they’re obliged to do instead of doing what they love, Ali breaks all stereotypes by quitting her job and becoming Vegan! She’s now become a trending topic with her “Lady Lentils” Instagram. She's traveling all around the world to find inspiration and shares with us what's behind her creations, her passion and what convinces her every day to do what she loves the most.

“I actually never liked to cook when I was young, I started to fall in love with cooking about a year and a half ago when I quit my job in corporate fashion to find a healthier and happier lifestyle. I worked in a rather unhappy workspace that hardly had any signs of positive energy, I wanted to become as compassionate to others as possible. So, I became vegan. I began cooking and creating what I WANTED to eat; I wanted it to be colorful, delicious and full of natural life. In January of 2017, I started “Lady Lentils” I’ve had amazing responses and have grown just about 10k followers in less than 6 months. It’s been an amazing journey so far, and I am so excited where this path will take me!”

“For me, food is love. It was how I was raised being from an Italian family. The dinner table for example is truly a magical place where your family and friends come together to share stories about their lives. That is what inspires me when I create a dish, the love that I have felt around food, I want to put into my food.”

“I have an insane addiction to wanderlust. I have lived in New York City, London, Florence, Granada (Spain), and Morocco; I have traveled to so many places that I’ve needed to add more pages to my passport. My mother knows that there is simply no stopping me from packing my bag and exploring the world. So, a few years ago she bought me the World Cuff and said that even when I am in another country far away to think about how small the world actually is, and that she never is truly that far away. So, I’ve worn it all around the world in 20+ countries and in 3 different oceans many times. I never really take it off of my wrist because it only brings me happy memories.”

“My favorite place in the world is Italy - Wonderful food, beautiful sights, amazing history, gorgeous art, and the most inspiring humans who know how to live a happy life. I would love to visit Peru! I really want to hike Machu Picchu. I've already bought my hiking boots, all I need now is my plane ticket!”

“My wisest words to the young globetrotters out there would be to understand that the universe has a plan for you, and to trust in that plan. Try not to stress over the little things, stress creates negative thoughts and vibes and can make you fearful of surrendering to the universe. You are full of amazing talents, be open to all new things, people and experiences to learn more about yourself every step of the way. Always be true to yourself, take adventures and love all living things. You’re amazing.”
Follow @ladylentils on instagram to keep up with her creations!
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